160 Million Exits and Entries Recorded in Q3, up 30.1% Year-on-Year
On October 18, the National Immigration AdministrationNIAhosteda press conference to release the main statistics regarding the immigration managementin the third quarter Q3 of 2024. In Q3, the immigration administrationauthorities in China inspected a total of 160 million entries and exits by individuals, marking a year-on-year rise of 30.1%. These included 78.545 trips made byresidents ofthe Chin... 2024-10-18Statement of Spokesperson of National Immigration Administration on International Cooperation in Migration Law Enforcement
Newtrends and features recently emergedin illegal cross-border activities, particularly human smuggling.A number ofindividuals were deceived by Chinese and overseas smugglers and cross-border criminal groups into engaging in smuggling, placing their own personal safety at riskandresulting insubstantial economic lossesand even fatal consequences. As a part of the efforts to combatsuchillegal cros... 2024-10-1813.098 Million Exits and Entries Recorded During National Day Holiday
The border inspection authorities across China facilitated a total of13.098million exits and entries made byChinese and foreign citizensduring the National Day holidayin 2024, with a daily average of1.871million, reflecting a 25.8-percent growth compared withthe same period in 2023. The highest exit-entry traveler volume was witnessed on October 5, reaching 2.035million. Notably, Chinese mainlan... 2024-10-10NIA Urges Border Inspection Authorities Nationwide to Ensure Efficient Exit-Entry Services at Ports During National Day Holiday
With the 7-day-longNational Day holiday approaching, there will be a strong demand for cross-border trips among Chinese and foreign tourists, and ports across China will record peak volumes of individuals entering and exiting the country. The National Immigration Administration NIA predicted that the daily average of trips made by inbound and outbound tourists will reach 1.75 million during the Na... 2024-09-305.256 Million Exits and Entries Recorded During Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday
According to the National Immigration AdministrationNIA, during the Mid-Autumn Festival holidayin 2024,the border inspection authorities across China facilitated a total of5.256 millionexits and entries made by Chinese andforeign citizens, with a daily average of 1.752 million, increasing by 18.6 percent compared with the same period last year. Specifically, Chinese mainland residents made 2.632 m... 2024-09-23