Press Conference of the National Immigration Administration of the People's Republic of China: Report on Main Immigration Management Data in 2022


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Location: Beijing, National Immigration Administration

Date: January 17, 2023

Host: Lin Yongsheng, Press Spokesperson of the National Immigration Administration and Director-General of the Department of Policies and Regulations

On January 17, the National Immigration Administration organized a press conference in order to release a report on the main data and achievements of 2022 immigration management. Lin Yongsheng, Press Spokesperson of the National Immigration Administration and Director-General of the Department of Policies and Regulations, introduced relevant situations and answered questions raised by journalists.

[Lin Yongsheng, Press Spokesperson of the National Immigration Administration and Director-General of the Department of Policies and Regulations]:

Ladies and gentlemen, representatives from the media, good morning. Welcome to our press conference! I am delighted to meet you online in the new year. In the press conference, we will release a report on the main data and achievements of immigration management in 2022 and answer your questions.

First, I would like to introduce the main data and achievements of 2022 immigration management.

The year 2022 was quite vital for our Party and our country. The 20th CPC National Congress was held successfully and drew the blueprint for comprehensively advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through a Chinese path to modernization. China steadfastly marched forward on the new journey to the construction of an all-round modern socialist state, improved the quality of development steadily, made remarkable innovation achievements in the scientific and technological fields, deepened the reform and opening-up in all respects, and ensured economic and social stability. The immigration management authorities in China fully performed their duties and spared no effort to prevent potential risks, ensure safety and security, maintain stability and facilitate development, greatly contributing to national security and economic and social development. The immigration management authorities inspected a total of 9,638,000 inbound and outbound vehicles and 115.7 million inbound and outbound passengers throughout the year, including 64.635 million mainland residents, 46.591 million residents from the Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan, and 4.473 million foreign nationals.

In 2022, the National Immigration Administration firmly followed the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, and made great efforts to meet the requirements from coordination of domestic and international situations, that of epidemic control and socio-economic development, and that of development and safety for immigration management work. The National Immigration Administration made every effort to ensure security and stability for the 20th CPC National Congress, comprehensively promoted and maintained normal order of entry and exit, prevented imported COVID-19 cases from overseas, and offered various services to support high-standard opening-up and high-quality development of China. Immigration management authorities at different levels and a large number of police officers fulfilled their duties in a loyal manner, took responsibility, made big contributions, and accomplished all the tasks in 2022.

In 2022, we effectively maintained national political security, stability of ports and borders and the order of exit-entry management. The immigration management authorities cracked down on illegal behaviors in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and strictly carried out the 2022 "Menglie" campaign against crimes jeopardizing frontier (border) management and special campaigns such as the management of foreign nationals who illegally entered, resided in or worked in China. Besides, the National Immigration Administration worked together with the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China to issue Opinions on Law-based Punishment against Crimes Jeopardizing Frontier (Border) Management, so as to further establish and complete an integrated multi-dimensional prevention and control system to safeguard the sovereignty, security and development interests of our country determinedly. In total, 32,300 violations and crimes jeopardizing frontier (border) management were investigated and punished in 2022. A total of 117,800 persons involved in different violations and crimes were arrested and investigated, including 158 snakeheads and core members who absconded overseas. A total of 1,544 criminal gangs were wiped out. The criminal coercive measures were imposed on 67,200 persons for criminal acts. A total of 50,600 persons were subject to administrative investigation and punishment, and 964 dens for transit were found and devastated. A total of 67,000 foreign nationals illegally entering, residing in or working in China were investigated and punished in accordance with laws and regulations in 2022. The immigration management authorities strictly followed laws and regulations to impose punishments such as warnings, fines, administrative detention and required departure within a time limit. Specifically, 43,000 such foreign nationals were deported. A total of 8.85 tons of drugs of different varieties, 712.52 tons of drug precursors and 3,278 different types of guns were captured. The value of goods involved in smuggling reached CNY 220 million last year.

In 2022, we took initiative to offer services and efficiently promoted high-standard opening-up and high-quality development. The immigration management authorities adhered to people-centered development. We paid attention to the difficulties and urgent needs in the exit-entry affairs of people and continuously facilitated the immigration management concept transformation. We made innovations in institutions, optimized policies and upgraded measures to provide more efficient, targeted, professional and high-quality immigration management services. We coordinated with major national and regional development strategies in a proactive manner. We issued relevant policies and measures to assist Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the establishment of high-standard talent hubs and to support the development of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin as well as key regions such as Guizhou, Zhejiang and Yunnan, injecting new vitality and impetus into regional development. We issued and implemented 14 new measures to facilitate enterprises' production and operation. We reformed and upgraded border inspection and customs clearance models at water ports, land ports and airports, and achieved immediate service upon arrival and immediate inspection and release upon departure for international cargo ships. In 2022, over 30,000 international cargo ships enjoyed one-off exit-entry inspection formalities, and 92,000 ships shifting from ports were exempted from border inspection formalities. A total of 260 international container ships were allowed to change their ports of destination temporarily to other domestic ports. Border inspection formalities were directly completed for 929 international cargo ships that were newly built and would be delivered to customers after a trial route or that were already repaired. The immigration management authorities saved 343,000 hours for international ships in terms of customs clearance. Services of immediate inspection and release were offered to international freight trains, with over 17,000 trains of China Railway Express enjoying fast customs clearance services last year. The inspection model of convenient entry and quick release was adopted for international cargo flights, saving an average of 30 minutes per flight in customs clearance and effectively ensuring stable and unimpeded transportation for industrial chains and supply chains. We vigorously standardized and normalized immigration management services and made our services more convenient. We issued 1.068 million ordinary passports and 1.748 million exit-entry permits for traveling to and from the Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan together with 4.323 million endorsements in 2022. We offered identity authentication for 45.13 million Hong Kong and Macao residents, overseas Chinese, and foreign nationals with permanent residence permits in China to help them handle social affairs. We set up over 300 service windows which adopt a working model of "acceptance at one window for joint review and approval" in 227 counties and cities to offer one-stop services for foreign nationals in China with regard to application for work permits or work-type residence permits. We made reforms and adopted smart equipment to issue endorsements for travels to the Macao SAR. Our official portal can offer services in six official languages of the United Nations. We upgraded and transformed the 12367 service platform to make it more intelligent. The platform received over 3 million calls worldwide in 2022 and our services had an average satisfaction rate of 97.3 percent. The government service platform of the National Immigration Administration served a total of 47.5 million people and the quality of our services for immigration management improved steadily.

We made such achievements in immigration management in 2022 mainly because of the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. The Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era provided scientific guidance for our work and we were also understood and supported by people from all walks of life as well as inbound and outbound travelers. Besides, we could not make progress without the unity, struggles, contributions and sacrifice of all the police officers and staff in the immigration management authorities. In 2022, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council bestowed two collective honorary titles of "National Model Public Security Organ", one collective honorary title of "Civil Service Organization Enjoying People's Satisfaction", one individual honorary title of "Individual with Outstanding Contribution to the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games", and three individual honorary titles of "Civil Servant Enjoying People's Satisfaction" on immigration management authorities. Cai Xiaodong, a hero of drug enforcement, was honored posthumously with the titles of "First-level Hero Model of National Public Security System" and national-level "2022 Figure of Rule of Law", and selected as the sixth national-level "Model of Public Security Organs". The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council also gave awards and commendations which were above second-class honors or above the provincial and ministerial levels to more than 650 collectives and individuals. Six comrades died at their posts, and 40 police officers and auxiliary officers got injured in their work. They honored their solemn commitment to the public security of people with loyalty and sacrifice.

In 2023, we will fulfill immigration management missions and tasks for the new era, be more confident, and act more vigorously. We, with achievements satisfying the Party and the masses, will work hard to make new contributions to the building of an all-round modern socialist state and the advancement of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in all respects!

That's all for my report. Then, I will take your questions based on today's press conference. Please feel free to raise questions you are concerned with.

[Xinhua News Agency]:  

On January 8, the management of COVID-19 was downgraded from Class A to Class B and the National Immigration Administration has started to approve and issue exit-entry permits for Chinese and foreign travelers and resumed passenger transport services at ports and customs in an orderly manner. Could you please introduce how relevant policies and measures are implemented?

[Lin Yongsheng, Press Spokesperson of the National Immigration Administration and Director-General of the Department of Policies and Regulations]:

To actively adapt to the new situations and requirements in the new stage of epidemic prevention and control and ensure and promote Sino-foreign exchanges and communication, the National Immigration Administration optimized the policies and measures related to immigration management after the management of COVID-19 was officially downgraded from Class A to Class B on January 8, 2023. We resumed passenger transport services at water ports and land ports and approved and issued exit-entry permits for Chinese and foreign individuals in an orderly manner. After the management of COVID-19 was downgraded, the National Immigration Administration has paid closer attention to transportation monitoring and carried out comprehensive analyses. We have made accurate predictions about the main groups of people contributing to the growth of inbound and outbound travels and key ports for exit and entry. We have provided over 3,200 windows for accepting travel permit applications and 53 border inspection channels at ports. We have also widely publicized and gave interpretations to our policies and measures and helped Chinese citizens to make proper travel plans and exit and enter in an orderly manner. To date, the immigration management authorities have inspected an average of 501,000 inbound and outbound travelers every day. The number increases by 48.2 percent compared with that before the policy optimization and accounts for 26.3 percent of the counterpart before the outbreak of the pandemic. In general, 341,000 applications for exit-entry permits are accepted per day. The number grows by 129.4 percent compared with that before the policy optimization and accounts for 54.5 percent of the counterpart before the outbreak of the pandemic. The service windows for exit-entry permits as well as customs and ports nationwide operate smoothly and work is carried out in a stable and orderly manner. Large ports, including Beijing Capital International Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Futian Port in Shenzhen, Gongbei Port in Zhuhai and Manzhouli Port in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region offer smooth passenger transport services. The time waiting for inspection in line is within 30 minutes.

[Economic Daily]:

As you mentioned in your report that the National Immigration Administration coordinated with major national and regional development strategies in a proactive manner and issued relevant policies and measures to assist Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the establishment of high-standard talent hubs. Could you please introduce relevant policies and measures in detail?

[Lin Yongsheng, Press Spokesperson of the National Immigration Administration and Director-General of the Department of Policies and Regulations]:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the central conference on talent-related work and  assist Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the establishment of high-standard talent hubs, the National Immigration Administration has recently issued policies and measures related to immigrant exit and entry to help the above-mentioned regions build high-standard talent hubs based on their geographical strengths and actual demands. Our policies and measures mainly include the following aspects. First, we support and encourage foreign young talented minds in the scientific and technological fields to make innovations, start their business and carry out scientific research in China. We offer convenient services related to long-term residence to excellent foreign graduates in key majors of famous domestic universities or internationally renowned universities and colleges. We encourage foreign doctoral graduates to carry out their scientific research at post-doctoral research stations or workstations in talent hubs. Eligible doctors with foreign nationality can apply for permanent residence in China. Second, we optimize policies related to the work and residence of foreign talented minds in China. We offer convenient services to foreign nationals who enter our country with talent visas or foreign talented minds who have overseas professional qualifications which have also been recognized by the competent departments of talent hubs and help them apply for work and residence permits and long-term residence in China. Third, we encourage and facilitate high-level foreign talented minds to apply for permanent residence in China. We encourage outstanding foreign talented minds who are internationally recognized in the fields of economy, science and technology, education, culture and sports to apply for permanent residence in China. Besides, their spouses and children can be included in their applications. Relevant policies and measures will offer sufficient convenient services to foreign talented minds when they stay or reside in China for scientific research, innovations or entrepreneurship.

[Legal Daily]:

The National Immigration Administration made remarkable achievements in cracking down on crimes jeopardizing frontier (border) management in 2022. What measures have been taken last year? Are there new arrangements for 2023?

[Lin Yongsheng, Press Spokesperson of the National Immigration Administration and Director-General of the Department of Policies and Regulations]:

In 2022, following the unified arrangements of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, the National Immigration Administration took the lead in organizing and carrying out the 2022 "Menglie" campaign to strictly combat crimes jeopardizing frontier (border) management. The National Immigration Administration gave commands and guidance to public security organs and immigration management authorities nationwide, adhering to the principles of cracking down on gangs, cutting off illegal access, combating "snakeheads", and devastating criminal networks. We carried out five thorough campaigns against illegal immigration through land frontiers, illegal immigration through frontiers at sea, crimes related to documents or certificates, "snakeheads", and online information related to illegal immigration. We spared no effort to combat and impose punishments for crimes jeopardizing frontier (border) management. Over 32,000 criminal cases jeopardizing frontier (border) management were solved, increasing by 64 percent compared with the number of 2021 which exceeded the total number of the previous three years. The number of criminal cases we combated and handled had a year-on-year increase of 34 percent. The number of persons subject to administrative investigation and punishment had a year-on-year increase of 4.6 percent. In the campaign to capture "snakeheads", 397 persons who absconded domestically or overseas were arrested, with a year-on-year increase of 228 percent. Our special campaigns made remarkable achievements. In 2023, we will continuously combat illegal and criminal cases jeopardizing frontier (border) management in a strict and timely manner. We will never stop fighting and will strive hard. We will make in-depth research for clues in cases, gather all the strengths and resources we have, and insist on solving cases to ensure the security and stability of ports and borders and maintain the normal order for exit and entry.

[China News Service]:

We have known about the 2022 achievements related to the management of foreign nationals who illegally entered, resided in or worked in China from your report. Could you please introduce the situations of the specific management of these foreign nationals?

[Lin Yongsheng, Press Spokesperson of the National Immigration Administration and Director-General of the Department of Policies and Regulations]:

Since our establishment, the National Immigration Administration has earnestly performed the duties and tasks given by the Party and our country to take the lead in coordinating the management of foreign nationals who illegally enter, reside in or work in China. In accordance with laws and regulations, we have worked with relevant departments actively to take targeted measures and strictly cracked down on and prevented different illegal and criminal cases related to such foreign nationals. In accordance with our laws and regulations, we have strictly imposed punishments on foreign nationals who illegally entered, resided in or worked in China. Relevant persons have left China within the specified time limits or have been deported. Thus, we effectively maintain a good order of exit-entry management. In 2022, the National Immigration Administration deeply supported work related to the management of foreign nationals who illegally entered, resided in or worked in China and carried out port and border control strictly. We arranged staff and material resources and made the most of technologies in facilitating our work and strictly prevented illegal entry and organized illegal immigration. We concentrated on the major problems of the management of foreign nationals who illegally entered, resided in or worked in China and combated illegal and criminal cases such as organizing illegal entry, engaging in illegal employment, and handling or selling visas or other documents in a fraudulent way. We focused on key regions related to the management of foreign nationals who illegally entered, resided in or worked in China to implement rectification. We carried out special research with relevant departments and actively supported the formulation of laws and regulations in relevant fields. The major problems related to the management of such foreign nationals have been coped with effectively.

In the future, the immigration management authorities in China will earnestly perform statutory duties and keep promoting and strengthening the management of foreign nationals who illegally enter, reside in or work in China. Meanwhile, they will maintain the normal order of exit-entry management to ensure smooth Sino-foreign exchanges and cooperation.


After the management of COVID-19 was downgraded from Class A to Class B in China, the number of inbound and outbound travelers in China will see a significant increase in 2023 compared with that in recent years as affected by the pandemic. What measures will the National Immigration Administration take to maintain the normal exit-entry order and facilitate Sino-foreign exchanges and communication?

[Lin Yongsheng, Press Spokesperson of the National Immigration Administration and Director-General of the Department of Policies and Regulations]:

As the management of COVID-19 was downgraded from Class A to Class B, the epidemic control in our country has stepped into a new stage. The National Immigration Administration now get prepared for the new situation and requirements. We issued optimized policies to actively safeguard and promote Sino-foreign communication and exchanges. Compared with the situation during the pandemic, the number of travel permits approved at the exit-entry service windows of public security organs and the number of inbound and outbound travelers passing through ports are expected to continuously increase and return to the normal levels before the pandemic with the gradual and orderly resumption of passenger transport services at ports and the processing of permit applications made by inbound and outbound travelers. The National Immigration Administration will guide the exit-entry administrations of local public security organs and domestic border inspection authorities to improve the pre-arranged planning and plans and make detailed measures in their work based on the actual situation. The exit-entry administrations and domestic border inspection authorities will focus more on transportation monitoring and will release guidelines for travel permit application as well as exit and entry at customs. The method of online appointment will be adopted to avoid crowding. More service windows for handling travel permit applications and more channels for border inspection will be opened. Relevant departments and authorities will optimize processes and procedures and strengthen guidance in services. Besides, they will also be well-prepared for the increasing number of travel permit applications to be handled and that of inbound and outbound travelers to ensure normal and smooth order of exit-entry management as well as the safety and stability of borders and frontiers, thus contributing to the high-standard opening-up and high-quality development.

As time is limited, this is the last question. Thank you so much for attending the press conference today. The Spring Festival, a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, is coming a few days later. Here, I would like to send Chinese New Year greetings to all representatives from the media, inbound and outbound travelers, and domestic and overseas friends who pay attention to and support immigration management. I wish you a happy Chinese New Year, success at work, good health, and all the best! That's all for today's press conference. If you require further interviews, please contact the Office of the Press Spokesperson of the National Immigration Administration. I hope to see you soon. Thanks.