Lesson 8 Travelling


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Key Words of the Day

What are the sights to see in Beijing? 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1  jing3dian3?) the Great Wall. 长城。(Chang2cheng2), the Forbidden City. 故宫。 (Gu4gong1) the Summer Palace.颐和园(Yi2he2yuan2)。You must visit the Great Wall. 你一定要去长城看看。(Ni3 yi2ding4 yao4 qu4 Chang2cheng2 kan4kan.) All in today’s Chinese Studio.


Yajie: As you heard in key words of the day, 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1 jing3dian3?)What are the sights to see in Beijing?

Cam:  北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1 jing3dian3?)

YJ: 北京(Bei3jing1) is the mandarin for Beijing.

Cam: 北京(Bei3jing1)

YJ: 有 (you3), the third tone, means there is something .

Cam: 有 (you3)

YJ: 哪些 (na3xie1), which ones.

Cam: 哪些 (na3xie1)

YJ: 景点 (jing3dian3) is scenic spot.

Cam: 景点 (jing3dian3)

YJ: 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1 jing3dian3?)

Cam: 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1 jing3dian3?)What are the sights to see in Beijing?

Conversation 1:

Cam: Yajie, what’s the Chinese for the Great Wall? I know I’ve heard it many times, but I forget!

YJ: The Great Wall is definitely a place visitors must see.  It’s pronounced 长城。(Chang2cheng2)

Cam: 长城。(Chang2cheng2)

YJ: Yes. 长(chang2) means long and 城(cheng2) is wall. Together it’s长城(Chang2cheng2).

Cam: 长城(Chang2cheng2)

YJ: You know, The Great Wall of China, also known as the Great Wall of 10000 Li or about 5000 km, was enlisted as a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1987. It’s one of the seven modern wonders of the world.

Cam: Great! Also I’d like to visit the Forbidden City.

YJ: Forbidden City in Chinese is故宫 (Gu4gong1)  .

Cam: 故宫(Gu4gong1) and another on my list is the Summer Palace.

YJ: It’s 颐和园(Yi2he2yuan2), the Summer Palace.

Cam: 颐和园(Yi2he2yuan2).

YJ: and 颐和园(Yi2he2yuan2) is the largest imperial garden in China.

Cam: Great! I just can’t wait to visit it .Now yajie, the Great Wall is 长城。(Chang2cheng2); Forbidden City is 故宫 (Gu4gong1), and the Summer Palace is颐和园(Yi2he2yuan2), right?

YJ: Very good.

Conversation 2:

YJ: Cam,你一定要去长城看看。(Ni3 yi2ding4 yao4 qu4 Chang2cheng2 kan4kan.)

Cam: What does that mean?

YJ: like what I just mentioned, the Great Wall is a must. Let’s look at the sentence. 你 (ni3), you.

Cam: 你 (ni3)

YJ: 一定要(yi2ding4yao4), must.

Cam: 一定要(yi2ding4yao4)

YJ: 去(qu4), to go to.

Cam: 去(qu4).

YJ: 长城 (Chang2cheng2), the Great Wall.

Cam: 长城 (Chang2cheng2)

YJ: 看看 (kan4kan), to take a look at or visit,

Cam: 看看 (kan4kan)

YJ: 你一定要去长城看看。(Ni3 yi2ding4 yao4 qu4 Chang2cheng2 kan4kan.)

Cam: and 我一定要去长城看看。(wo3 yi2ding4 yao4 qu4 Chang2cheng2 kan4kan.) I must visit the Great Wall.

Conversation 3:


Key Words Reminder

What are the sights to see in Beijing? 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1  jing3dian3?) the Great Wall. 长城。(Chang2cheng2), the Forbidden City. 故宫。 (Gu4gong1) the Summer Palace.颐和园(Yi2he2yuan2)。You must visit the Great Wall. 你一定要去长城看看。(Ni3 yi2ding4 yao4 qu4 Chang2cheng2 kan4kan.).
