Lesson 7 Pay the Bill


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Key Words of the Day

How long is the wait? 需要等多长时间?(xu1yao4 deng3 duo1chang2 shi2jian1). How can I help you? 要帮忙吗?(yao4 bang1mang2 ma?) I would like to pay my phone bill.  我交电话费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4hua4fei4) I would like to pay my electricity bill. 我交电费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4fei4) All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Cam: Okay Yajie…. So I walk into the bank and I usually see crowds of people.

Yajie:  Right, banks can be very busy.

Cam: So it might be helpful to ask somebody how long the wait will be. How can I say it in Chinese?

Yajie: Well you can say 请问,需要等多长时间?(qing3 wen4, xu1yao4 deng3 duo1chang2 shi2jian1)

Cam: 请问,需要等多长时间?(qing3 wen4, xu1yao4 deng3 duo1chang2 shi2jian1)

Yajie: 请问 (qing3 wen4) excuse me.

Cam: 请问 (qing3 wen4).

Yajie: 需要 (xu1yao4) means need.

Cam: 需要 (xu1yao4)

Yajie: 等(deng3), d-e-n-g, the third tone. wait.

Cam: 等(deng3)

Yajie: 多长时间(duo1chang2 shi2jian1), how long, we learned it before, it means how long.

Cam: 多长时间(duo1chang2 shi2jian1).

Yajie: 请问,需要等多长时间?(qing3 wen4, xu1yao4 deng3 duo1chang2 shi2jian1)

Cam: 请问,需要等多长时间?(qing3 wen4, xu1yao4 deng3 duo1chang2 shi2jian1), How long is the wait?  But do people often say this at Chinese banks?

Yajie:  No, not really.  Anyhow, it’s still a useful expression when you are waiting in other cases.


Yajie: There may be someone in the bank coming up to offer help. 要帮忙吗?(yao4 bang1mang2 ma?) How can I help you?

Cam: 要帮忙吗?(yao4 bang1mang2 ma?)

Yajie: 帮忙 (bang1mang2)means help.

Cam: 帮忙 (bang1mang2).

Yajie: 要帮忙吗?(yao4 bang1mang2 ma?) How can I help you?

Cam: 要帮忙吗?(yao4 bang1mang2 ma?)


Cam: How do you say “I would like to pay my phone bill.”

Yajie: 我交电话费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4hua4fei4)

Cam: 我交电话费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4hua4fei4)

Yajie: 我(wo3), I. and 交(jiao1) means to pay.

Cam: 交(jiao1)

Yajie: 电话费 (dian4hua4fei4), phone bill.

Cam: 电话费 (dian4hua4fei4).

Yajie: 我交电话费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4hua4fei4) I would like to pay my phone bill.

Cam: 我交电话费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4hua4fei4). Yajie, and I would also like to pay my electricity bill. What is the Chinese for that.

Yajie: Listen carefully, it’s 我交电费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4fei4). 电费, (dian4fei4), electricity bill.

Cam: 电费, (dian4fei4).

Yajie: So “I would like to pay my electricity bill.” is 我交电费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4fei4)

Cam: 我交电费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4fei4)


Key Words Reminder

How long is the wait? 需要等多长时间?(xu1yao4 deng3 duo1chang2 shi2jian1). How can I help you? 要帮忙吗?(yao4 bang1mang2 ma?) I would like to pay my phone bill.  我交电话费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4hua4fei4) I would like to pay my electricity bill. 我交电费。(wo3 jiao1 dian4fei4)