Lesson 4 Health


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Cam: Welcome to our review show everyone, Wo shi Cam, and ni shi Yajie.

YJ: Right. We know that nobody likes going to the hospital or feeling sick.

Cam: But if you ever need to see the dreaded doctor in China, this show will certainly help.

YJ: Let's get started.


Sentences in the week

Hospital. 医院 Doctor. 医生 You look pale. Are you okay? 你脸色不太好,没事吧。 I have a headache. 我头疼。I have a toothache. 我牙疼。I have a sore throat. 我嗓子疼。I think I have a fever. 我好像发烧了。I feel much better now. Thanks. 我觉得好多了,谢谢。


Cam: So I might need to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Yajie, let's review the Chinese for hospital and doctor.

YJ: okay, hospital is yi1 yuan4.

CM: 医院 yi1 yuan4.

YJ: 医 yi1 means cure,

CM: yi1

YJ: 院 yuan4 means such a place or an institute.

CM: yuan4

YJ: 医院 yi1 yuan4,

CM: yi1 yuan4. hospital. A place to cure patients.

YJ: doctor is 医生 yi1 sheng1.

CM: yi1 sheng1.

Conversation 1:

A: 我想去看医生,你知道最近的医院在哪儿吗?

B: 地铁旁边就有一家 。

Cam: Yajie, let's review all these aches. Firstly, I have a headache.

YJ: 我头疼 wo3 tou2 teng2,

CM: wo3 tou2 teng2,

YJ: right. 头 Tou2 means head,

C: tou2,

Y: 疼 teng2 means ache,

C: teng2.

Y: 我头疼 wo3 tou2 teng2, I have a headache. Then what's the Chinese for "I have a toothache. "

C: it's wo3 ya2 teng2.

Y: right, 牙 ya2 means tooth,

C: ya2, and 疼 teng2 means ache,

Y: Yes. 牙疼 Ya2 teng2, toothache.

C: ya2 teng2.

Y: 我牙疼 wo3 ya2 teng2.

C: wo3 ya2 teng2. I have a toothache. Well, I do have a sore throat Yajie. What's the Chinese for throat?

YJ: 嗓子 sang3 zi

CM: sang3 zi,

YJ: 我嗓子疼 wo3 sang3 zi teng2.

CM: wo3 sang3 zi teng2. I have a sore throat.

Conversation 2:

(1)A: 大夫,我牙疼。

B: 那我给你开点消炎药。

(2)A: 我嗓子疼。

B: 那就少说点话,多喝水。

Cam: Yajie, I think I have a fever. How do I say it in Chinese?

YJ: you can say 我好像发烧了。wo3 hao3 xiang4 fa1 shao1 le.

CM: wo3 hao3 xiang4 fa1 shao1 le.

YJ: I think I have something in Chinese is 好像 hao3 xiang4.

CM: hao3 xiang4,

YJ: 发烧 fa1 shao1 means have a fever,

CM: fa1 shao1,

YJ: 我好像发烧了。wo3 hao3 xiang4 fa1 shao1 le

CM: wo3 hao3 xiang4 fa1 shao1 le. I think I have a fever.

Conversation 3:

(1)A: 你怎么了,看上去精神不太好?

B: 我好像发烧了。

(2)A: 你的脸色不太好,没事吧?

B: 我好像发烧了。

YJ: Cam, are you feeling better now?

CM: "I feel much better now. Thanks." How do I tell you that in Chinese?

YJ: you can say我觉得好多了,谢谢。

CM: wo3 jue2de hao3 duo1 le, xie4 xie.

YJ: 觉得jue2de, feel,

CM: jue2de,

YJ: 好多了 hao3 duo1 le, much better,

CM: hao3 duo1 le,

YJ: 谢谢 xie4 xie, means thanks

CM: xie4 xie,

YJ: 我觉得好多了,谢谢。 wo3 jue2de hao3 duo1 le, xie4 xie.

CM: wo3 jue2de hao3 duo1 le, xie4 xie. I feel much better now, thanks.

Conversation 4:

(1)A: 感觉好点儿没?

B: 我觉得好多了,谢谢。

(2) A: 怎么样?还难受吗?

B: 我觉得好多了,谢谢。