Lesson 6 Seasons and Weather


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Sentences in the week

Winter, 冬天,spring, 春天,summer, 夏天,the fall, 秋天。The winter is cold. 冬天很冷。Can you turn up the heat, please? 请把暖气开大一点,好吗?The summer is very hot! 夏天很热  turn on the air conditioning. 开空调。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Cam: First let’s review the four seasons,

YJ: Ok, winter is dong1 tian1.

Cam: dong1 tian1.

YJ: spring is chun1 tian1.

Cam: chun1 tian1.

YJ: xia4 tian1, summer,

Cam: xia4 tian1.

YJ: and the fall is qiu1 tian1.

Cam: qiu1 tian1.

YJ: Got them all? Good. it’s winter in Beijing, and it can be very cold sometimes.

Cam: Right, that’s the reason why I can easily catch a cold. How do you say winter is very cold in Chinese?

YJ: you can say dong1 tian1 hen3 leng3. 冬天很冷。

Cam: dong1 tian1 hen3 leng3.

YJ: dong1 tian1 is winter,

Cam: dong1 tian1

YJ: hen3 means very much,

Cam: hen3.

YJ: leng3 means cold,

Cam: leng3.

YJ: dong1 tian1 hen3 leng3. 冬天很冷。

Cam: dong1 tian1 hen3 leng3. The winter is cold.

Conversation 1:



Cam: Yajie, I don’t like the cold. How do I ask them to turn up the heat to keep warm?

YJ: You can say. qing1 ba3 nuan3 qi4 kai1 da4 yi4 dian3, hao3 ma1? 请把暖气开大一点,好吗?

Cam: qing1 ba3 nuan3 qi4 kai1 da4 yi4 dian3, hao3 ma1?

YJ: qing3 means please,

Cam: qing3 please,

YJ: nuan3 qi4 means the heat,

Cam: nuan3 qi4,

YJ: kai1 da4 means to turn up,

Cam: kai1 da4.

YJ: yi4 dian3, a little bit,

Cam: yi4 dian3,

YJ: hao3 ma, is it ok? It shows your politeness.

Cam:  hao3 ma

YJ: 请把暖气开大一点,好吗?

Cam: qing1 ba3 nuan3 qi4 kai1 da4 yi4 dian3, hao3 ma1? Can you turn up the heat, please?

Conversation 2

A: 这太冷了,请把暖气开大一点,好吗?

B: 好的,没问题。

Cam: Yajie, how is the summer in Beijing?

YJ: it can be very hot It’s hard to get through without air conditioners.

Cam: how do you say that in Chinese?

YJ: it’s xia4 tian1 hen3 re4. 夏天很热。

Cam: xia4 tian1 hen3 re4.

YJ: xia4 tian1 is summer.

Cam: xia4 tian1

YJ: hen3 re4. means very hot.

Cam: hen3 re4.

YJ: xia4 tian1 hen3 re4.

Cam:  xia4 tian1 hen3 re4. The summer is very hot. Then how can I ask others to turn on the air conditioning?

YJ: you can say kai1 kong1 tiao2 开空调.

Cam:  kai1 kong1 tiao2

YJ: kai1 means to turn on,

Cam: kai1.

YJ: air conditioning is kong1 tiao2,

Cam: kong1 tiao2

YJ: kai1 kong1 tiao2

Cam: kai1 kong1 tiao2, turn on the air conditioning.

Conversation 3



Sentences in the week

Winter, 冬天,spring, 春天,summer, 夏天,the fall, 秋天。The winter is cold. 冬天很冷,Can you turn up the heat, please? 请把暖气开大一点,好吗?The summer is very hot!夏天很热 turn on the air conditioning. 开空调。All in today’s Chinese Studio.