Guide for Applying for a Permit to Carry Firearms and Ammunition


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1. Requirements for application

1.1 Applicants must belong to one of the following categories:

1.1.1 Persons who are permitted by law to bring firearms and ammunition into China:

a. Members of foreign diplomatic and consular missions in China

b. Members of sports delegations of foreign countries or of China (including Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan) who come to participate in athletic sports

c. Other persons who are allowed to carry firearms and ammunition into China

1.1.2 Travelers carrying firearms and ammunition and transiting through more than two ports in China

1.1.3 Organizations receiving VIP foreign guests whose bodyguards carry firearms and ammunition with them that have not been cleared for their importation and are in the safekeeping of the host


1.2 Requirements of approval documents

Approval letters for the entry, exit and transit of firearms and ammunition should be issued respectively by the following departments:

1.2.1 The Protocol Department or the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which gives approval for the entry, exit and transit of firearms and ammunition that are carried by members of a foreign diplomatic or consular mission or brought to China as their accompanying baggage

1.2.2 The General Administration of Sport of China, which gives approval for the entry, exit and transit of firearms and ammunition that are carried by members of sports delegations of foreign countries or of China (including Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan) who participate in athletic sports or brought to China as their accompanying baggage

1.2.3 The Bureau for the Administration of Public Security of the Ministry of Public Security, which gives approval for the entry, exit and transit of firearms and ammunition carried by other persons or brought to China as their accompanying baggage


2. Legal basis

Paragraph 1 of Article 37 and Article 48 of the Gun Control Law of the People’s Republic of China, Article 30 and 34 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Frontier Inspection of Exit from or Entry into the Country


3. Responsible authorities for processing requests

Exit and entry frontier inspection stations


4. Types of approval

Travelers who carry firearms and ammunition and enter China or transit through more than two ports in China shall, in person or via their host, apply to frontier inspection authorities for a permit. VIP foreign guests who have obtained approval for the entry and exit of firearms and ammunition shall be allowed in and out of China with an approval letter and a registered declaration instead of such a permit.

Applications for permits to carry firearm and ammunition shall be processed immediately upon request.


5. Materials to be submitted

5.1 An approval letter (original copy) issued by the competent authorities

5.2 A Declaration Form for Arms and Ammunitions Carried by Exit-Entry Passengers (original copy)

5.3 Applicant’s valid exit-entry documents or identification documents (original copy)


6. How to apply and procedures

Way to apply: Applications shall be processed on site


6.1 Prior to arrival of the means of transport at the port of entry, the applicants or the hosts shall make a declaration by telephone or fax to the relevant exit and entry frontier inspection station, and upon arrival submit the application materials to the frontier inspection station.

6.2 The exit and entry frontier inspection station examines the eligibility of the applicant, and the application materials in terms of their completeness and compliance with the statutory forms and formats, as well as the authenticity, validity and integrity of their contents. If the submitted materials are not complete or compliant with the required forms and formats, a One-time Notification shall be issued, which will indicate all the needed materials. If possible, the applicant shall correct any errors in the application materials on the spot.

6.3 The exit and entry frontier inspection station authenticates the approval letter and Declaration Form for Arms and Ammunitions Carried by Exit-Entry Passengers and verifies the type, quantity, serial number, etc. of the firearms and ammunition.

6.4 If applications are rejected, the exit and entry frontier inspection station shall inform the applicants of the reason and basis for the rejection and issue a rejection notification. If accepted, verified as well as approved upon examination, the exit and entry frontier inspection station shall issue a Permit for Carrying Firearms and Ammunition. If not approved, a decision shall be made on the spot and a notification for not granting permission shall be issued.


7. Processing results

A Permit for Carrying Firearms and Ammunition shall be issued to eligible applicants. The duration of validity of the permit shall be determined based on the actual needs of the applicants and generally shall not exceed 30 days.

For applications that do not meet the processing requirements, the firearms and ammunition shall, in accordance with the law, be sealed up for safekeeping, or be confiscated and result in an administrative penalty on the applicant. If the circumstances are serious and in violation of the criminal law, the cases shall be turned over to the relevant authorities.


8. Charges

Free of charge


9. Matters needing attention

Permission shall not be granted under any of the following circumstances:

9.1 Failing to obtain approval letters from competent authorities;

9.2 Holding the required approval letter but the quantity, type, model, serial number, port of entry, and carrier of the firearms and ammunition being not consistent with those stated on the approval letter;

9.3 Other circumstances where a permit shall not be issued according to relevant laws and regulations.



Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.