NIA: 123 Million Entry-Exit Trips in Q3 This Year


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The National Immigration Administration (NIA) held a press conference on October 24 to release the main figures on immigration management in the third quarter of 2023.

In terms of port inspection and border crossings, the immigration administrative authorities across China inspected a total of 123 million border entries/exits in the third quarter, a number representing a year-on-year increase of 454.4 percent and reaching 73 percent of the same period in 2019. Specifically, 61.688 million crossings were made by residents of the Chinese mainland (including 1.423 million made by border residents), 50.176 million crossings by the residents from China’s Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan, and 10.936 million crossings by foreign citizens (including 2.922 million border residents). A total of 6.431 million entry-exit transport vehicles (ships, trains, and cars) were inspected, indicating a year-on-year increase of 182.4 percent and equaling 73 percent of the figure in the same period in 2019. Specifically, there were 161,000 flights, 104,000 ships, 24,000 trains, and 6.142 million motor vehicles.

Regarding the issuance of exit-entry documents and other services, a total of 4.66 million ordinary passports were issued from July to September, up by 1356.3 percent year on year, amounting to 61.6 percent of the same period in 2019; the number of documents issued for the Chinese mainland’s residents traveling to and from Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan skyrocketed by 2071.2 percent year on year to 25.446 million, totaling 113.3 percent of the same period in 2019; 887,000 mainland travel permits for residents from Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan were issued, representing a year-on-year increase of 358.5 percent and reaching 151.8 percent of the same period of 2019; 608,000 visas were issued to foreign nationals, indicating a yearly surge of 268.5 percent and returning to the same level as in 2019. NIA's 12367 service platform for government affairs in immigration management has received a total of 1.17 million calls from 74 countries and regions around the world, with a satisfaction rate of 98.98 percent.

With regard to combating cross-border crimes and maintaining border stability as well as the entry/exit order management, more than 13,000 criminal cases related to national border control were investigated in the third quarter, with more than 23,000 suspects arrested and 817 criminal gangs investigated and dealt with. In addition, 570 transit locations for illegal activities were dismantled and 939 vehicles (including ships) involved in the cases were seized. In accordance with the law, cases involving 20,400 foreign nationals associated with illegal entry, residence, and employment were addressed, with 7,102 of them being subject to deportation. A total of 190 drug-related cases involving 269 individuals were investigated, 39 cases of which involved drug quantities exceeding 10,000 grams; 1.63 tons of various drugs and 37.36 tons of drug-making materials were captured. Proactive measures were also taken to crack down on illegal activities concerning firearms, ammunition, explosives and smuggling in border areas, with 543 firearms, 13,600 bullets, 32 grenades and smuggled goods with a total value of CNY 174 million seized.