Frontier Inspection Authorities Ready to Ensure Customs Clearance Service and Support for Traffic Peak during Dragon-Boat Festival Holiday


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According to the forecast of the National Immigration Administration (NIA), during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday in 2019, ports across the country will usher in a "small peak" in exit-entry passenger traffic, with the average daily exit-entry passengers reaching 2,050,000, up by 7.6 percent year on year.


In particular, the exit-entry passenger traffic at Beijing Capital International Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and other large airport ports will have a significant increase compared with regular days, with estimated daily average passengers of 80,000, 109,000 and 52,000 respectively.


In addition, land ports adjacent to Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR expect to receive a large number of mainland passengers. It is estimated that the daily exit-entry passengers through the ports of Gongbei, Luohu, Futian, Huanggang, West Kowloon and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will reach 433,000, 311,000, 196,000, 96,000, 88,000 and 80,000, respectively.


NIA has instructed local frontier inspection authorities to strictly implement the specified work requirements, which refer to publishing transportation information on traffic congestion and black spots, and reminding the public of traffic safety precautions in holidays. Frontier inspection authorities shall conduct scientific forecast and release their exit-entry passenger flow data in a timely manner, while arranging sufficient police force on duty, organizing services scientifically, and actively guiding the exit-entry passengers to travel safely and orderly.


NIA reminds the exit-entry passengers to carefully check their exit-entry documents and those of their companions before traveling, and pay close attention to the conditions of passenger traffic and customs clearance of the ports, and try to avoid traveling during peak hours. In case of difficulties in customs clearance, the passengers can seek help from the police officers on duty at any time.



Notice: This English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.