NIA Reports 670 million Exits and Entries Nationwide in 2019


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According to the statistics released by the National Immigration Administration (NIA) on January 4, 2020, frontier inspection authorities nationwide inspected 670 million exit-entry passengers in 2019, up by 3.8 percent year-on-year, with 36,235,000 exit-entry vehicles (aircraft, trains and vessels) inspected, up by 3.4 percent year-on-year.


Statistics show that 350,000,000 exits and entries were made by mainland residents, with 160,000,000 passengers from Hong Kong and 53,587,000 from Macao traveling to and departing from the mainland, in addition to 12,278,000 passengers from Taiwan. A total of 97,675,000 entries and exits were made by foreigners throughout the year.


In order to actively adapt to the new situation of sustained and high growth of exit-entry personnel and transportation tools, NIA has taken the initiative to serve the national strategy, continuously introduced new measures to facilitate customs clearance, innovated inspection modes, and effectively improved the efficiency and service quality of frontier inspection to fully advance opening-up to a higher level.


Overall 89 Belt and Road frontier inspection channels were set up at 18 ports, including Beijing and Shanghai, providing fast-track customs clearance convenience for 290,000 passengers in 2019. The 30-day visa-free policy for inbound tourism in Hainan Province benefited 463,000 foreigners, accounting for 73.7 percent of the total number of inbound foreigners in Hainan Province. In the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong Province and other regions, the 144-hour visa-free transit policy for foreigners has been implemented, and frontier inspection authorities nationwide have provided various visa-free transit facilitation for more than 1,800,000 foreigners.


NIA accelerated promoting the "Internet Plus" frontier inspection service, accepted and approved online more than 60,000 licenses for embarking on/disembarking from and attaching to foreign ships throughout the year, and more than 1,900 Chinese and foreign enterprises enjoyed the convenience of online declaration. The efforts have further supported cross-border trade facilitation and optimized the business environment at ports.



Notice: This English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.