Chair's Statement at Sub-Forum on Migration Management Cooperation of Global Public Security Cooperation Forum (Lianyungang)


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(September 10, 2024, Suzhou, China)

I. The Sub-Forum on Migration Management Cooperation of Global Public Security Cooperation Forum (Lianyungang) (hereinafter referred to as the "Sub-Forum") took place in Suzhou, China from September 9 to 10, hosted by the National Immigration Administration of the People's Republic of China (NIA). About 300 guests attended the Sub-Forum, including heads and representatives of immigration and exit-entry authorities of 57 countries and regions, experts and scholars, and officials from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the ASEAN Secretariat, and Lancang-Mekong Integrated Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation Center (LMLECC). Xu Ganlu, Vice Minister of Public Security of the People's Republic of China and Commissioner of NIA, delivered an opening speech. Wu Qingwen, Mayor of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, delivered a welcome speech. Amy Pope, Director General of IOM, delivered a speech via video, in which she acknowledged China's efforts in hosting the sub-forum, introduced the role innovation plays in enhancing migration governance, and commended China's measures to facilitate the visit, studying, and residency of foreign nationals within the country.

II. In an amicable atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, all attendees, under the theme of "Development and Innovation of Migration Governance under the Changing Environment", engaged in a variety of discussions on the current situation, experiences and measures of migration governance, delving into the issues of general concern and the approaches to strengthen cooperation in migration management, and reaching a broad consensus. Among the distinguished guests delivering speeches during the plenary meeting are: João António da Costa Dias, Director General of the Migration and Foreigners Service of the Republic of Angola; Sok Veasna, Director General of the General Department of Immigration of the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Cambodia; Cortes Carrion Olgor Marcelo, Deputy Secretary for Immigration at the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Ecuador; Sándor Gömbös, Director General of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing of Hungary; Omid Nodhi, Head of the Immigration and Passport Police Office of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Uuganbayar Nergui, Director General of the Immigration Agency of Mongolia; Denis Shkut, Representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to China; Saleh bin Saad Al-Murabba, Deputy Director General of the General Directorate of Passports of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Samolovac, Director General of the Border Protection Bureau of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia; Marvin Sim, Commissioner of the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of the Republic of Singapore; Riley Genao Mesepitu, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration of Solomon Islands; Barroso, First-class Police Commissioner of the Immigration and Border Management Agency of the National Police Corps of Spain; Anna P. Makakala, Commissioner General of the Immigration Services Department of the United Republic of Tanzania; and Sultan Bin Sumaida, Assistant Director of the Operational Support and Intelligence Analysis Bureau of INTERPOL. Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner for Operations of UNHCR, gave a speech via video.

III. The Sub-Forum had four breakout sessions. The attendees exchanged views on the four topics, namely "Regulating and Facilitating Personnel Exchanges", "Collaboratively Preventing Security Risks at Ports", "Optimizing Management of Cross-Border Movement of Citizens", and "Application of Information Technologies in Migration Management". During these sessions, China invited relevant enterprises to display migration management devices.

IV. Xu Ganlu, Vice Minister of Public Security of the People's Republic of China and Commissioner of NIA noted in his speech that it was the first time the Global Public Security Cooperation Forum (Lianyungang) set up a sub-forum on cooperation on migration management. The Sub-Forum aims to uphold the principle of "Security through Cooperation for Development" to establish a global platform for governing migration for high-level exchanges, equitable dialogues, and shared achievement. It also sought to build consensus, create a more collaborative future, and take the governance of global migration to new heights.

V. China outlined progress made by China in the development and innovation of migration governance, which was made under the guidance of the initiative of building a community with a shared future for mankind, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative. China voiced its support for more practical measures to ensure the smooth and unimpeded flow of people, technologies, goods, and capital, among other resources, and more inclusive economic globalization. It also called for a fairer, more orderly multipolar world and more just and reasonable global migration governance. China further proposed to establish a shared, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security framework to jointly address the challenges faced by global migration. In addition, China called for championing humanity's common values and protecting the legitimate rights of international migrants and entry-exit personnel in accordance with the laws.

China called for national governments within the international community to enhance discussion and collaborative actions on the issues of migration, collaboratively practice genuine multilateralism, and jointly discuss issues concerning the management of global migration. It also called for the joint promotion of more democratic regulations, the joint establishment of a global system, the joint improvement of overall capabilities, and the sharing of achievements with regard to global migration governance.

China announced that it will implement more open policies for cross-border personnel mobility, take tougher measures against transnational crime, and expand its role in the global cooperation in migration governance. It will also create more favorable conditions for global personnel exchanges, protect even more forcefully people's lives, dignity, and property from the threats posed by transnational criminal organizations, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of migrants according to the laws. The country's goal is to maintain safer and more sustainable cross-border personnel mobility. China also stated that it will firmly support developing countries in enhancing their migration governance capabilities, provide greater opportunities for more developing countries, and share the benefits of development. The country also strives to expedite the development of a community with a shared future for mankind, that highlights common security and shared prosperity.

VI. All attendees recognized that the Sub-Forum's theme highly corresponded to the objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), as well as the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They expressed their deep concerns for the challenges faced by the global governance and cooperation in migration-related issues at present, and called for the establishment of a new global migration governance pattern to give new impetus to the world's peace.

VII. As the chair of the Sub-Forum, NIA expressed its gratitude to all participants for their support and contributions to the event. Building on the consensus reached at the Sub-Forum, it will actively implement various initiatives and join hands with all participants and the international community. NIA voiced its support for the Sub-Forum to stay open, transparent and government-oriented and to open its doors wide for the participation of different sides. NIA also wished that the Sub-Forum will continue to facilitate constructive participation in global migration governance by the immigration and exit-entry authorities of various countries, to make positive contributions to the improvement of global migration governance.

VIII. All attendees expressed their gratitude to China for organizing the Sub-Forum. They highly lauded the unremitting efforts and thoughtfulness of the secretariat of the Sub-Forum and looked forward to further strengthening exchanges and cooperation.