Russian, French, Spanish and Arabic Versions of National Immigration Administration's Official Portal Now Online


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On December 30, the Russian, French, Spanish, and Arabic versions of the official website of the National Immigration Administration went online. Together with the original Chinese and English versions, the National Immigration Administration's official portal can now be accessed in six official languages of the United Nations.

The new versions of the portal generally follow the design, functionality, and content of the English version and contain special sections covering major immigration management news, policy documentation and interpretations, notices and announcements, statistics, press conference information, and immigration services along with guidelines for immigration services, office inquiries, and a number of other functions. Interested individuals from China and abroad are invited to adopt this convenient new way to conduct inquiries, deal with relevant matters, learn about legal rules on China's immigration management, and obtain information about immigration services in a timely manner. All the efforts are expected to further facilitate foreign national's study, work, and stay in China.

It has been learned from the National Immigration Administration that immigration services will be continuously improved under the guidance of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress so as to build the portal into an integrated multi-functional international online service platform. The National Immigration Administration will also endeavor to more vigorously promote and support Sino-foreign exchanges in an effort to contribute to high-standard opening up and development.