Number of Exit-Entry Travelers Amounts to 13.517 Million During Spring Festival Holiday, Increasing by 2.8 Times Year on Year


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The statistics from the National Immigration Administration (NIA) show that during the Spring Festival holiday in 2024, the border inspection authorities across China served 13.517 million domestic and overseas travelers entering and exiting China in total. The daily average of travelers reached 1.69 million, marking an increase by 2.8 times compared with the same period in 2023 and accounting for nearly 90 percent of the volume recorded in 2019. The peak of traveler volume in a single day occurred on February 12 (the third day of the first month of the Chinese calendar), hitting 1.857 million. Additionally, China's border inspection authorities inspected 459,000 transportation vehicles (ships, trains, cars, etc.), reflecting a 1.6-time growth compared with the same period in 2023.

The exit-entry services at seaports, land ports and airports across China were provided in a stable and orderly manner. Specifically, a larger volume of travelers was seen at the land ports in Guangdong Province, which connect Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR, contributing to 73.1 percent of the total exit-entry volume in China. During the Spring Festival holiday, ports such as Zhuhai's Gongbei Port and Shenzhen's Luohu and Futian ports witnessed average daily traveler volumes of 260,000, 187,000, and 158,000 respectively. Zhuhai's Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Port and Hengqin Port, and many other ports recorded single-day peaks of volumes of travelers and vehicles since the start of their operation. Furthermore, the numbers of the exit-entry travelers at hub airports surged, as Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, and Beijing Capital International Airport recorded daily averages of travelers of 88,000, 37,000 and 34,000 respectively. These figures indicate increases by 4.9 times, 6.2 times, and 7.5 times respectively compared with the Spring Festival holiday in 2023.

Under the unified arrangement of NIA, the border inspection authorities across China deployed all their police officers and took proactive measures. These authorities predicted and released the information on the rush hours of exit and entry of travelers at all ports nationwide in advance, assisted exit-entry travelers in making proper travel plans through announcements, and offered the general public useful information about cross-border travel. They have firmly ensured safe, orderly and smooth exit-entry processes for travelers, both Chinese and non-Chinese, during the Spring Festival holiday through meticulous arrangement of exit-entry services, deployment of a sufficient number of police officers, enhanced collaboration and cooperation with other relevant authorities, and prompt management of traveler flows during rush hours.