NIA Government Service Platform's Real-Time Online Response Service Up and Running


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The National Immigration Administration (NIA)'s government service platform has been upgraded following a redesign process, with the original mobile App and mini-programs on WeChat and Alipay, which were all previously known as "National Immigration Administration (NIA)" (移民局NIA), officially renamed "National Immigration Administration Government Service Platform 12367" (移民局12367) on November 30. The service platform's real-time online response services were launched in the meantime to provide 24/7 human/AI consultation services in English and Chinese. All types of online consultations, from service inquiries, Q&As, suggestions and advice, and more concerning immigration administration for Chinese residents and foreign nationals can now be handled at once in a single call.


Android phone users can scan the QR code below to download the App, while those who have already downloaded the old version of the App need only to follow the prompts to finish the upgrade. Users can also search for "National Immigration Administration Government Service Platform 12367" (移民局12367) on WeChat or Alipay to access the mini-program.

A key person of NIA claimed that the redesign and upgrade of the platform is the latest move in a string of efforts aimed at optimizing NIA's services and further easing the processes for applications for exit-entry certificates and for the related services for Chinese residents and foreign nationals. Moving forward, NIA intends to continue deepening reform and improving the standardization, regularization, digitalization, and intelligentization of the government services of immigration administration to better serve and advance China's high-level opening up and high-quality development.