High-Level Forum on Regional Migration Governance Policies


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1.The High-level Forum on Regional Migration Governance Policies was held in Beijing, China from 26th to 28th June, 2023. The Forum was attended by the representatives of migration departments from Brunei Darussalam, Kingdom of Cambodia, Republic of Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Singapore, Kingdom of Thailand, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred as “the parties”), and officials from ASEAN Secretariat and IOM participated in the meeting.

2.In an amicable atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, the parties engaged in constructive discussion on current situation regarding international and regional migration governance and issues of common concern.

3.The parties supported efforts to enhance multilateral, regional and bilateral cooperation on migration issues, as well as ASEAN-centered regional cooperation, so as to promote the collaboration of immigration and exit-entry authorities of all parties and international organizations, with the participation of all relevant stakeholders.

4.The parties supported the introduction of more convenient migration and exit-entry management policies to enable migrants to be contributors and beneficiaries of sustainable development.

5.The parties supported efforts to strengthen exchanges among officials from migration and exit-entry departments, and expand the depth and breadth of cooperation.

6.The parties emphasized the importance of providing each other with necessary support and information in tackling challenges in migration and exit-entry management in this region and combating cross-border crimes related to migration and exit-entry management.

7.The parties were encouraged to enhance information sharing in migration related areas such as anti-counterfeiting technologies and forged/altered travel documents that have been seized, new methods of people smuggling, and channels of irregular migration.

8.The parties supported active measures to enhance capacity building and provide training programs on migration and immigration governance areas.

9.The Forum expressed sincere appreciation for excellent arrangements by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, especially National Immigration Administration. The Chinese host thanked all participants for their contributions to the success of the Forum.

                     Released on 28th June, 2023

                             In Beijing