NIA Tightens Port and Border Control in Upcoming Winter and Spring to Prevent Imported COVID-19 Cases


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Recently, National Immigration Administration (NIA) has announced a series of measures to tighten port and border control in the upcoming winter and spring to prevent the import of COVID-19 cases.


The measures mainly include:

Efforts will be made to continue implementing tight entry and exit policies and guiding citizens to be refrained from going abroad for unessential reasons, and executing tight entry policies for foreigners and making adjustments to the management measures based on the changing situation in a scientific way in cooperation with relevant authorities.


We will work to practice closed-loop management in the entry and exit of athletes and other personnel relating to the Beijing 2022 Olympics by setting up a designated inspection area and enacting all-encompassing measures to ensure the safety of the event.


We will continue intensifying port control and taking targeted actions to ensure customs clearance for inbound and outbound flights and charter flights; carry out strict inspection over overseas ships and those in the port, and continue implementing the policies of no boarding, no entry or no berthing for unessential trips. Green light will be given to trucks and red light to personnel at land border ports, while trucks that go through the land border ports will be required to use designated routes, load and unload at designated locations and deliver the goods contactlessly to prevent the spreading of the coronavirus via imported goods or related working staff.


Efforts will be made to toughen border patrols and inspections consistently, promote law enforcement with neighboring countries to prevent the spread of the virus into inland areas, and strengthen the management and control on frozen boundary rivers to stop illegal border crossing.


We will severely crack down on cross-border criminal activities, further combat crimes that hamper boundary (border) management or damage physical or technological border control facilities, and fight hard against smuggling and trafficking at sea to prevent the spread of virus.


NIA requires that immigration agencies and exit and entry departments of China's public security organs at all levels stick to the overall strategy of "preventing imported cases and containing domestic resurgence", overcome indifference, war-weariness, fluke mentality and sluggishness, and prevent the transmission of the virus through "people, goods and environment". It will work practically to identify loopholes, remedy deficiencies and strengthen weak links to improve and implement prevention and control measures, and ensure the  responsibilities to be fulfilled properly in all places for the prevention of imported COVID-19 cases.


Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.