Over 8 Million Exit-Entry Travelers Recorded During May Day Holiday


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The statistics of the National Immigration Administration (NIA) showed that during the May Day holiday this year, the border inspection authorities across China handled a total of 8.466 million exit-entry Chinese and overseas travelers, marking an increase by 35.1 percent from the same period last year. The peak volume of exit-entry travelers was witnessed on May 3, with the number reaching 1.801 million. During the holiday, the number of the exit-entry travelers from the Chinese mainland reached 4.768 million, reflecting a 38 percent increase year-on-year; the number from China's Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan region rose to 2.919 million, representing a 20.8 percent increase year-on-year; the number of the foreign nationals inspected reached 779,000, marking a 98.7 percent increase over the same period last year.

Following the unified arrangement of NIA, the border inspection authorities across China rigorously implemented the "Two Announcements and One Reminder" policy (i.e. announcements of the information on the predicted passenger flow and plans of queuing, and reminders of traffic safety). Specifically, the information on the passenger flow predicted on a reasonable basis was released in time to help Chinese and overseas exit-entry travelers make proper travel plans. Also, to ensure that the time each Chinese citizen would spend queuing for entry or exit would be within 30 minutes, the border inspection authorities opened an adequate number of inspection channels. Additionally, facing the grave affects on exit-entry services, which resulted from heavy rain and strong convection in the southern China (especially the regions close to the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River), the border inspection authorities enhanced cooperation with other relevant authorities to promptly facilitate exit and entry of travelers during momentary rush hours. Consequentially, the ports across China ensured secure, efficient, and smooth exit and entry processes for all travelers involved.