Notice: Be Aware of Passenger Volumes at Exit-Entry Ports and Validity Periods of Your Identity Document and Visa During May Day Holiday


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The National Immigration Administration (NIA) expects that during the May Day holiday in 2024, the daily average number of the exit-entry travelers at ports nationwide will reach 1.76 million, marking an increase by 40.5 percent compared with the same period last year. At major international airports such as Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Beijing Capital International Airport, Chengdu Tianfu International Airport, and Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, the number of exit-entry travelers will grow in a stable manner, with estimated daily average counts of 88,000, 41,000, 40,000, 17,000 and 13,000 respectively. As the two-way travel trend of residents from Hong Kong and Macao SARs and those from the Chinese mainland remains strong, there will be surges in the numbers of exit-entry travelers at the land ports adjacent to Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR, a phenomenon resulting also from a series of grand performances and fireworks shows to take place in the two SARs during the May Day holiday. Specifically, Luohu Port, Futian Port, and Shenzhen Bay Port in Shenzhen will receive approximately 194,000, 191,000, and 130,000 exit-entry travelers respectively. Similarly, Gongbei Port, Qingmao Port, and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge's port in Zhuhai are projected to receive about 320,000, 110,000, and 110,000 exit-entry travelers respectively.

To ensure smooth border inspection services at ports during the May Day holiday, NIA has put forward special measures. The border inspection authorities across China are required to intensify the monitoring of exit-entry traveler volumes and port operations and promptly provide details on exit-entry traveler volumes of ports to assist the general public's travel planning. The border inspection authorities are also ordered to strengthen the arrangement of their services and deploy sufficient police officers to ensure that the time each Chinese citizen would spend queuing for entry/exit will be within 30 minutes. Moreover, NIA demands that the border inspection authorities should enhance coordination and cooperation with joint inspection units at ports and relevant local governmental authorities to make appropriate and specific arrangements for the management of exit-entry passenger flows during rush hours and supportive, comprehensive traffic safeguards, etc., to ensure safe, efficient, and smooth exit-entry services.

NIA hereby highlights the necessity for Chinese and non-Chinese exit-entry travelers to stay updated about passenger volumes and exit-entry situations at ports ahead of their trips. It is recommended that travelers check the validity of their exit-entry documents carefully. Chinese citizens are required to acquaint themselves with the safety and security situations and entry rules of their destinations, make proper travel plans, enhance risk prevention awareness, and prioritize personal and property safety. For any difficulties encountered during exit-entry procedures, please feel free to contact NIA via its 12367 service hotline or ask for support from the immigration administration police officers on duty.