Entry-Exit Window Services Gradually Restored Nationwide


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Entry-exit administrative services have been gradually restored nationwide since the release of the ten adjustment measures of the entry-exit policies on February 27 in support of resumption of work and production of related industries and enterprises to stabilize employment, foreign investment and foreign trade. So far, 2,836 of 3,250 entry-exit service windows of China's public security organs at the county level and above have restored service, an increase from 56% to 87% after the implementation of the ten adjustment measures.


In order to implement the instructions of general secretary Xi Jinping in his important speech at the conference on coordinating the prevention and control of COVID-19 in tandem with economic and social development, on February 27, the National Immigration Administration (NIA), based on its immigration administration functions, quickly studied and released ten measures to support the resumption of work and production of related industries, enterprises and serve to stabilize employment, foreign investment and foreign trade, ensuring guaranteed entry-exit services for economic and social development.


These adjustment measures include orderly resuming the exit-entry window services, providing exit-entry convenience actively for Chinese and foreign nationals engaged in the prevention and control of the epidemic, offering online exit and entry documents application services for Chinese and foreign nationals, giving priority to documents and visa (endorsement) applications of personnel to resume work and production, ensuring fast and convenient customs clearance to import and export goods and materials, providing query service to Chinese and foreign nationals on adjustment of entry and exit administration policies, strengthening the epidemic prevention and control procedures at entry and exit windows, etc.


According to statistics, by March 11, the exit and entry departments of China's public security organs have processed more than 11,000 online entry-exit documents applications for Chinese and foreign nationals. Priority has been given to more than 5,100 entry-exit applications for the purposes of resumption of work and production. Border inspection authorities across China have exempted more than 4,600 international flights from submitting paper clearance documents, supported over 7,800 international vessels to conduct operation upon arrival, and set up 62 dedicated lanes at land border ports. These measures have helped facilitate customs clearance for cross-border transport of anti-epidemic supplies, international import and export commodities, and fresh agricultural products, effectively serving the economic and social development and supporting the resumption of work and production.


Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.