IOM China Chief of Mission Giuseppe Crocetti Praises China's Administration of Migration


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The 5th International Migration Research Summit Forum celebrated its sub-forum themed "Communication and Inclusiveness: Governance and Development Trend of International Migration amid COVID-19" in Guangzhou on December 12, 2020. The event gathered around 80 domestic and foreign experts and scholars participating both online and offline from government departments, universities and research institutes.


Giuseppe Crocetti, Chief of Mission in China of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), delivered a speech via video at the opening ceremony, praising China’s National Immigration Administration (NIA) for its provision of convenient measures for foreign nationals staying and living in China and pandemic prevention and control measures this year.


He said that, to control the pandemic, NIA adjusted the administration policies of foreign nationals in China and facilitated the processing of visas and residence permits and provision of information on personal protection. Such practices are aligned with the concepts and principles advocated by the United Nations, IOM and World Health Organization to provide support for migrants, avoid misleading information and prevent the stigma and discrimination against the foreign nationals, which provides best practices for other countries. He called for joint efforts of countries to enhance mutual understanding, share knowledge and experience, consolidate the basis for international solidarity and cooperation, and take responsible and effective measures to win the battle against the global pandemic.


In recent years, NIA has achieved tangible results in multiple fields by actively enhancing cooperation with IOM. In April, Giuseppe Crocetti published an opinion piece titled COVID-19 does not discriminate, nor should our response: perspectives from China's experience in embedding migrants in its outbreak response on the official WeChat public account of IOM, speaking highly of the Chinese government's efforts in integrating the needs of migrant populations in the public health response mechanism and providing services and guarantee for foreign nationals in China. In October, he also recognized NIA's ports control to prevent imported COVID-19 cases during a visit to Jiangsu Province made by the IOM Office in China and officers of embassies and consulates in China of EU members.


Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.