NIA Pushes Multi-language Pandemic Prevention and Control Knowledge and Reminders to Foreign Nationals in China


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In order to win the battle of pandemic prevention and control, and address the concerns of Chinese and foreign inbound and outbound travelers, the National Immigration Administration (NIA) published Questions and Answers by National Immigration Administration Concerning Immigration and Exit-Entry Administration during the Period of Prevention and Control on Pneumonia caused by Novel Coronavirus (Chinese and English Version) on its official Weibo and WeChat public accounts and released Public Prevention of Pneumonia Caused by Novel Coronavirus in English, Russian, French, German, Japanese and Korean respectively based on the Public Prevention of Pneumonia Caused by Novel Coronavirus provided by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


NIA also provides questions and answers about exit-entry policies on the exit and entry of foreign nationals in China and the processing of visa and stay or residence permit during the epidemic. NIA calls the attention of foreign nationals in China and reminds them to intensify personal protection and health monitoring, minimize participation in outdoor activities and gatherings, avoid visits to crowded public places and keep proper hygiene and health habits for pandemic prevention and control.


At present, the immigration and exit-entry authorities are sending above-mentioned information and reminders to foreign nationals staying or permanently residing in China through e-mails and text messaging and Weibo/WeChat posts to keep them updated on the exit and entry policies and pandemic prevention and control knowledge.


NIA appreciates the understanding and support of foreign nationals in the epidemic prevention and control as well as their cooperation with relevant authorities and neighborhood services in the fight. NIA suggests that foreign nationals in China improve awareness of self-protection, take scientific preventative measures and arrange their activities in China properly.


Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.