NIA to Generalize Immigration and Entry-Exit Facilitation Policy for Boosting FTZs


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The National Immigration Administration (NIA) announced its plan to roll out nationwide the immigration and entry-exit facilitation policy in serving the development of free trade zones (FTZs) at a press conference held by the Ministry of Public Security on July 17. Chen Bin, spokesperson and director general of the Department of Foreigners Management of NIA, and Jia Tongbin, deputy director general of the Department of Foreigners Management, attended the press conference and answered questions from reporters.


Chen Bin said that since 2015, the Ministry of Public Security and NIA have rolled out a large number of policies and measures to facilitate the entry and exit of foreign nationals and the stay and residence of foreign talents in state-approved pilot free trade zones (FTZs), comprehensive innovation reform pilot zones, national innovation demonstration zones and state-level new areas in 16 provinces and municipalities including Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian and Guangdong. With positive economic and social results achieved, the efforts have further promoted open, innovative and high-quality development. So far, the exit and entry departments of China's public security organs have issued visas and residence permits for 133,000 foreign nationals including entrepreneurs, investors and technical and managerial staff.


In order to implement the vision of general secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on further deepening reform and opening-up as well as the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, NIA conducted thorough evaluations and in-depth research on immigration and entry-exit policies and measures that are currently applicable to key national development areas. Efforts have been made in the innovation, improvement and integration of policies and measures that are effective, widely applicable, and conducive to local economic and social development and the new paradigm of opening-up. Steps have also been taken in rolling out 12 policies, which will take effect nationwide from and after August 1, 2019, that encourage, support and facilitate foreign talents, outstanding foreign youth and Chinese of foreign nationality in their entrepreneurship, investment, business, as well as academic and work endeavors in China.


The policies mainly cover the following four aspects.


It is to allow more foreign talents to apply for permanent residency. Facilitation measures on permanent residence application will be provided to high-level foreign talents, Chinese of foreign nationality with doctoral degree or long-term employment in key national development areas, foreign nationals with outstanding contributions or meet the special needs of national development, and foreign nationals with long-term employment in China who meet the annual salary and tax payment standards. Spouses and underage children of foreign nationality can apply for permanent residency along with the above-mentioned applicants.


Steps will be taken to lift the restrictions on long-stay visa and residence permit. China is committed to improving the environment for doing business, and issuing long-stay visas and residence permits to foreign nationals who come to China for business, work, research and academic endeavor. In addition, visas valid for two to five years or residence permits will be issued to foreign nationals who engage in technological cooperation and economic activities, and are employed in China at the invitation of key institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions and leading enterprises in China, as well as for high-level foreign teams and their supporting staff.


It is important to attract more foreign talents to come to China. China is to provide services for the entrepreneurship of outstanding foreign youth in China and policy support and facilitation on application for visas and residence permits for the entrepreneurship of outstanding foreign alumni of key universities of China and internationally renowned universities, and internships of international students at the invitation of leading enterprises and public institutions in China.


It is also vital to improve administrative services for foreign nationals. Exploration will be made in setting up immigration service centers (stations) near communities of foreign nationals to facilitate their work, study and living with services such as policy consultation, residence and travel guidance, legal support, and language and cultural assistance.


The nationwide implementation of 12 immigration and entry-exit facilitation policies in favor of the development of FTZs is an important measure of NIA to take the initiative to serve the strategic opening-up and development, to implement the reform of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council that is required to streamline administration, delegate powers, improve regulation and upgrade services, and to further improve the environment for doing business. Released and implemented at the earliest time, it is also an important part of the sixty measures of the Ministry of Public Security to facilitate economic and social development and to serve the people and enterprises. NIA will strengthen guidance and coordination to ensure tangible results, and create an effective and premium entry-exit environment for foreign nationals to pursue innovation and entrepreneurship, cooperation and development as well as better work and livelihood in China.


Notice: This English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.