Vice Administrator Zhao Changhua Leads Delegation to Vietnam for Political Work Exchange


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A delegation led by vice administrator of the National Immigration Administration (NIA) Zhao Changhua visited Vietnam from November 11 to 15 to participate in the political work exchanges between the immigration and border defense departments of China and Vietnam. This is the first political exchange between NIA and the Vietnam Border Guard Command since the former's establishment.


During the visit, Zhao Changhua met with General Nguyen Phuong Nam, deputy chief of the general staff of the Vietnam People's Army, and Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, commander of the Border Guard Command of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam. Zhao Changhua also held talks with Major General Đỗ Danh Vượng, political commissar of the Border Guard Command of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam, exchanging views on deepening political work exchanges and signing minutes of the meeting.


Zhao Changhua and Đỗ Danh Vượng co-chaired the working meeting convened in an atmosphere of sincerity, friendliness and mutual trust on November 12. Both of them believed that in recent years, under the guidance of the comprehensive strategic partnership and the framework of a China-Vietnam agreement on border law enforcement cooperation, the immigration and border defense departments of the two countries have enjoyed close cooperation and active political exchanges, which has effectively promoted the border and port law enforcement cooperation between China and Vietnam, and has made positive contributions to safeguarding the security and stability of the border areas between China and Vietnam, as well as the development of bilateral friendly relations and traditional friendship between the two peoples.


The two sides agreed to further consolidate the results of two leaders' meeting in June, to deepen cooperation between NIA and the Vietnamese Border Guard Command, and break new ground in cooperation and exchanges between the border defense departments of China and Vietnam.


Upon consultation, the two parties signed the minutes of the meeting on strengthening political work exchanges between NIA of the People's Republic of China and the Border Guard Command of the Ministry of National Defense of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, agreeing to promote friendly collaboration of community-based party organizations, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in cadre training and community-based publicity of the rule of law, enhance cultural exchanges, advance pilot projects of community-based political work exchanges, and take turns to host political work exchanges and meetings.


During the visit, Zhao Changhua met with General Nguyen Phuong Nam and Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien respectively. Zhao Changhua conveyed the greetings from vice minister of Public Security Xu Ganlu to them.


Zhao said that China and Vietnam enjoy long-standing friendship and cooperation foundation. Especially against the backdrop of friendly cooperation and common development between the two parties and the two countries, it is hoped that the immigration and border defense authorities of the two countries will continue to strengthen friendly exchanges and improve law enforcement cooperation, cooperate closely to jointly combat transnational and cross-border crimes, and jointly maintain the prosperity and stability of borders and ports. Joint efforts shall be made to further enrich and strengthen cooperation, promote innovation and development of political exchanges, and make new contributions to the solidarity and friendship between the two countries.


General Nguyen Phuong Nam applauded the cooperation results achieved by the NIA, the Ministry of Public Security of China, and the Border Guard Command of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam, in border management, immigration administration, crackdown on illegal activities and crimes, and maintenance of security and stability in border areas. He said that defense cooperation is one of the main pillars of China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership, and the exchanges and cooperation between border defense authorities of two countries is the highlight of the friendly border exchanges and activities. He suggested that both sides continue to effectively implement the legal documents signed on border management and all-level border defense cooperation mechanisms, to host the 6th friendly border exchange in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of China-Vietnam diplomatic relations, and to jointly maintain political security and public order in the border areas.



Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.