Vice Administrator Yin Chengji Meets with the U.S. ICE of the Department of Homeland Security Attaché to China Austin Moore


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Yin Chengji, vice administrator of the National Immigration Administration (NIA), met with the newly appointed attaché Austin Moore and his three-member delegation from the Beijing Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the Department of Homeland Security on the morning of November 14, 2019.


Yin Chengji expressed his warm welcome to Austin Moore's assumption of his new position in Beijing. He also introduced the establishment of NIA and its current work, reviewed previous communication and cooperation between the two parties and emphasized that further efforts should be made to strengthen bilateral dialogue and consultation as well as cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.


Austin Moore introduced the responsibilities and obligations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the Department of Homeland Security and expressed the willingness of promoting communication and continuous cooperation in immigration enforcement. Moreover, the two sides exchanged views on issues of shared interests relating to the cooperation in immigration enforcement between China and the United States.


Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.