Vice Minister Xu Ganlu Meets With Russian Director of FSB Border Service Vladimir Kulishov


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Xu Ganlu, vice minister of Public Security and administrator of the National Immigration Administration (NIA), held a working meeting with Vladimir Kulishov, first deputy director of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) and director of the Border Service in Beijing On November 21, 2019. Vladimir Kulishov made his visit at the invitation of National Defense Mobilization Department of the Chinese Central Military Commission. The meeting was highlighted with in-depth and friendly exchange on the advancement of cooperation of border law enforcement between China and Russia and the signing of the meeting minutes.


Xu Ganlu noted that this year marked not only the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but also the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between China and Russia. President Xi Jinping has stressed that over the past seven decades, the China-Russia relationship has withstood the test of changes to become a major-country relation with the highest level of mutual trust and coordination and the highest strategic value. China stands ready to make the partnership more mature, stable and solid. China and Russia are good neighbors and true partners, as they were before and will be in the future.


Xu said, the CAPF Border Defense Force and the FSB Border Guard Service enjoyed a good relationship over the past few years. NIA as successor to the former Border Defense Force would like to develop a more comprehensive, down-to-earth and close relationship with the FSB Border Service, to enhance cooperation in combating conventional and non-conventional security threats and challenges, "Three Evil Forces", and cross-border illegal and criminal activities, and promoting people-to-people exchanges and trade facilitation.


Vladimir Kulishov extended his congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and appreciated the glorious achievements made in all aspects by China. The consensus on cooperation reached by the presidents of China and Russia in the new era indicated a new direction for cooperation and required us to accomplish our common tasks and enhance the connection and friendship between the two peoples. He hoped to see both sides develop new plans and organize more mutual visits for fruitful talks and cooperation.


The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on issues such as the current development of border ports and its impact on border security, the result of the first phase of the joint border operation Solidarity 2019-2021 and cooperation between border authorities.


Agreement was reached to further cooperation at border ports and in border areas, continue consolidating and improving the three-level representative liaison mechanism between China and Russia, and sustain the cooperation in border areas under the framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The two sides also agreed to consolidate the legal basis of cooperation in border areas between China and Russia by revising the No. 1 Protocol of Cooperation Treaty Between the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China and the Federal Security Service of Russia.


The meeting was also attended by NIA vice administrator Li Yulu and officials from Department of International Cooperation on Immigration Affairs of NIA.



Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.