NIA Vice Administrator Zhao Changhua Attends the 24th International Border Police Conference


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From October 28 to November 1, Zhao Changhua, vice administrator of the National Immigration Administration (NIA), led a delegation to Warsaw, Poland, to attend the 24th International Border Police Conference (IBPC) at which he delivered a keynote speech.


The two-day conference was attended by more than 300 representatives from nearly 100 countries. The conference was highlighted with keynote speeches and sub-topic discussions on four topics, including balancing the relationship between management and services in border management, playing the role of coast guard in combating maritime crimes, the role of technology and equipment in border management, and establishing a strategic plan for rapid response in border areas.


Zhao Changhua was invited to give a keynote speech about the role of technology and equipment in border management. He introduced the relevant status of port and border management by NIA. He said, firstly, China adheres to the combination of professional strength and scientific and technological means, and comprehensively implements policies to achieve "full-area coverage and full-time control" of ports and border areas. Secondly, China adheres to the people-oriented approach, constantly introduces fast customs clearance measures at ports, implements self-service customs clearance and innovates inspection modes to greatly improve the efficiency of customs clearance at ports. Thirdly, China continues to explore the application of "Internet +", and provide efficient and convenient services for entry and exit personnel through online service platforms and mobile phone Apps, so as to achieve safe and effective management. Zhao Changhua's keynote speech demonstrated the confidence, openness and professionalism of China's immigration administration in the new era, made China's voice heard, and shared China's experience, thus receiving positive comments from the participants.


During the conference, Zhao also met separately with Fabrice Leggeri, executive director of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, and Michael Outram, commissioner of the Australian Border Force (ABF).


When meeting with Leggeri, Zhao briefly introduced the establishment of NIA and its main functions, expressing the willingness to strengthen pragmatic cooperation with the EU border authorities. Leggeri introduced the main functions of the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency and its future prospects, saying that the EU is considering the establishment of a border force under a unified command under the framework of the standing army development. He said that the EU hoped to further deepen exchanges with China in the field of border management and capacity building, and would like to invite the Chinese side to send a delegation to observe the relevant law enforcement actions of the Agency.


When meeting with Outram, Zhao said that China was willing to strengthen cooperation with immigration and border authorities of other countries including Australia, stressing that the precondition for the smooth progress of law enforcement cooperation is to accommodate each other's core interests and concerns. Outram briefly introduced that the ABF is composed of the former Border Protection Agency and the Immigration Agency, in which the former one was responsible for border management and the latter one for passport handling. He congratulated the establishment of China's NIA and expressed that Australia hoped to have close communication and expand cooperation with China on the original basis.


Officials from the Department of International Cooperation on Immigration Affairs and the Department of Frontier Inspection and Management of NIA also participated in the above activities.


The International Border Police Conference was first held in Budapest, Hungary in 1993, with the participation of chiefs of border defense departments of relevant countries. It aims to deal with the border management challenges in EU, strengthen communication among all parties, and jointly respond to various challenges. Since 2013, the conference has been held biennially by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in the location of its headquarters-Warsaw, Poland.


Notice: This English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.