Business Environment Continuously Improved with “Hardcore” Measures for Development of Shipping Companies


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September 25 marks the 100th day of the introduction of 16 new measures aimed at promoting the development of shipping companies by the National Immigration Administration (NIA). All measures have been implemented step by step and effects of such policy were gradually observed thanks to the efforts of the immigration border inspection authorities across the country.


These measures promoted the development of shipping companies. Immigration border inspection authorities across China inspected a total of over 9,000 vessels engaged in international voyages that exited within 24 hours after entry, streamlined border inspection formalities for 23,000 foreign vessels shifting berths among ports in China, and saved 133,000 hours for formalities-handling personnel who do business in different ports within a province and 68,000 hours for relevant vessels anchoring at ports. Through cutting red tape and improving efficiency, these measures delivered real benefits to companies. According to preliminary statistics, the saved time helped cut berthing fees, fuel charges, rentals, bridge crane depreciation costs (by working hour) and other expenses by more than one billion yuan for relevant shipping companies.


These measures boosted the competitiveness of industries. Immigration border inspection authorities across China simplified border inspection formalities for over 2,700 vessels engaged in international voyages refueling with bonded fuel oil at anchorage, issued 185,000 permits of getting on and off foreign vessels for personnel from creditworthy shipyards and 17,000 permits for vessels attached to foreign vessels. These initiatives give relevant industries stronger competitiveness through optimized procedures and honest management. According to preliminary statistics, since the introduction of new measures, over 9,500 hours of sailing were saved for vessels refueling with bonded fuel oil, cutting more than 13.4 million yuan of operational costs and effectively improving on-site operational efficiency of relevant companies.


These measures helped guarantee the smooth customs clearance at ports. Immigration border inspection authorities across China have set up more than 240 Belt and Road special tracks at various land ports, nearly 300 fast tracks for the exit-entry border inspection of commodities, fresh products, anti-pandemic supplies, people's daily necessities, etc., and added 100 fast tracks for "cooperative inspection and one-check release" at land ports in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In addition, the emergency tracks of exit-entry border inspection were opened over 2,700 times for various emergencies. While preventing COVID-19 imported cases, the deployment of the above-mentioned fast tracks and special tracks as well as the opening of emergency tracks have facilitated responses to special issues and emergencies, safeguarding the safe and orderly flow of people, vehicles and goods during the pandemic.


These measures facilitated the public access to government services. For example, thanks to the efforts made by immigration border inspection authorities across China, vessels engaged in international voyages are able to apply for and receive pre-inspection and 95% of administrative permits of border inspection can be obtained online; more than 19,500 cross-border vehicles in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao had their filing procedures of border inspection completed online; the information of nearly 80,000 qualified drivers from over 500 transportation companies was archived to facilitate their efficient customs clearance; a cooperation mechanism was established with over 2,200 port shipping enterprises and companies engaged in border trade; various consulting services have been provided for Chinese and foreigners through the China Immigration Service Hotline for over 350,000 times. All these measures saved a lot of time for the people in paying field visits to border inspection authorities and improved the efficiency of immigration and border inspection authorities as they can identify and address various problems that companies and the public may encounter when using government services in time, thus facilitating the immigration administration services and making various measures more convenient, intelligent and accessible.


Liu Haitao, director general of the Department of Frontier Inspection and Management of NIA, said that going forward, NIA will further strengthen overall planning and guidance, and follow through the implementation and seek feedback to ensure the successful implementation of these measures by immigration border inspection authorities across China based on the achievements made in the past hundred days since the introduction of the 16 new measures. Moreover, NIA will continue to create a better business environment, help build a new development paradigm and promote high-quality economic development while guarding against imported cases of COVID-19.


Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.