Xu Ganlu Meets with IOM Chief of Mission in China Giuseppe Crocetti


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Xu Ganlu, Vice Minister of Public Security and Commissioner of National Immigration Administration (NIA), met with Giuseppe Crocetti, Chief of Mission in China of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on June 25, 2021, by the latter's appointment and exchanged views on deepening cooperation in immigration.

Xu Ganlu expressed appreciation to Giuseppe Crocetti for presenting, on the occasion of the grand celebration of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), a plaque commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of IOM and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of official relations between China and IOM. Xu spoke highly of the important role IOM has played in promoting the orderly flow of global immigrants and strengthening international cooperation in this filed since its establishment, and fully affirmed the fruitful results of the cooperation and exchanges between China's immigration authority and IOM. He stressed that NIA will, under the leadership of the CPC, continue upholding the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and working together with global counterparts and international organizations to meet global challenges in immigration, pursue happiness for the Chinese people and contribute more to the development and progress of mankind. The Chinese side will continue supporting the work of IOM, actively performing its due responsibilities as a member state, and contributing its part to the global governance of immigration. To address immigration and other global challenges, he noted that the international community should adhere to multilateralism and strengthen international cooperation, adopt effective policies and measures to promote the normal flow of people, and enhance capacity building to continuously improve governance.


Giuseppe Crocetti extended warm congratulations on CPC's 100th anniversary. He expressed gratitude to China for its strong support to IOM, and fully agreed with Xu Ganlu's proposals on dealing with the new situation and challenges in immigration. He pointed out that IOM highly appreciates NIA's full commitment to epidemic prevention and control, which provides conveniences and a safe environment for foreigners in China to study, work, and live normally. He said that IOM China Office will overcome the impact of the epidemic and work closely with NIA to accelerate cooperation in relevant projects and jointly embark on next 20 years of a more productive cooperation.


Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.