NIA Sees Remarkable Results of International Cooperation on Epidemic Response


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Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the National Immigration Administration (NIA) has played its role fully, closely communicated with high level officials of foreign counterparts, and strengthened epidemic-related information sharing with neighboring countries. It worked to promote joint efforts in the management and control of ports and border areas, provide assistance with epidemic prevention supplies and facilitate epidemic-related diplomatic endeavor, in a bid to resolutely win the fight against imported COVID-19 infection.

At the beginning of the outbreak, NIA quickly responded to the excessive entry restrictions imposed by some countries on Chinese citizens, and took the initiative to deliver notes to the immigration and border defense departments of 50 countries, informing them about China's COVID-19 response and putting forward working proposals. Xu Ganlu, vice minister of Public Security and administrator of NIA, subsequently wrote to the heads of the immigration and border defense departments of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Vietnam, and other neighboring countries as well as the director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO-RATS), expressing the willingness for close cooperation and strengthened efforts in joint epidemic prevention and control.

Ularbek Sharsheyev, chairman of the State Border Service of Kyrgyzstan, and Darkhan Dilmanov, deputy chief of the National Security Committee and director of the Border Service of Kazakhstan, both acknowledged China's effective measures in containing COVID-19. They said, China thoroughly curbed the spread of the pandemic in a short period of time and set an example for the world. They agreed on gathering strength and solidarity in various fields to prevent the spread of the pandemic as soon as possible and restore the vitality of economy, trade and cultural relations.

Taking the initiative to fulfill international obligations, NIA fought the pandemic through solidarity and cooperation. Relying on the triple-level border liaison mechanism, it established daily communication with North Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Nepal, kept real-time communication with Laos and Myanmar, and maintained regular communication with Mongolia, Russia and Vietnam in terms of epidemic development, policies regarding port and border control, epidemic prevention and control measures, personnel data of the border counties (cities) of both sides, and situations of people at high risk.

Among others, Vadim Barchuk, deputy director of the Executive Committee of SCO-RATS, wrote in his letter that NIA has made timely judgement of the situation and put forward a series of pragmatic suggestions for law-enforcement cooperation in border areas, including the notification of epidemic-related information and safeguarding border security and stability. It will surely pool the strengths of different countries in the fight against the pandemic.

Sergelen Ts, director general of the General Authority for Border Protection of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia, said that immigration and frontier defense departments of Mongolia and China have strengthened cooperation of border representatives at all levels in a timely manner, exchanged information on a regular basis, and done a lot of work to curb the cross-border spread of the epidemic. The Mongolia-China joint epidemic response mechanism is both timely and practical to play a key role in strengthening cooperation in the joint epidemic prevention and control and responses between two countries.

Since the outbreak, NIA resolutely implemented the overall deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to prevent imported COVID-19 infection and adopted effective measures to promote cooperation in border epidemic control and law enforcement in border areas. Joint border patrols, law enforcement and exercises were carried out on a regular basis with Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Nepal, to strengthen the patrol and control of shortcuts and mountain passes that are prone to across the border illegally. Intensified port and border patrols were coordinated with Mongolia and Russia, while borders with Kyrgyzstan are closed, and Kazakhstan prohibited activities in its border areas. Control measures under special circumstances were carried out in Pakistan, and border checkpoints and police forces were increased in Vietnam and Nepal. Steps were taken to comprehensively strengthen social management and control in border areas, severely crack down on cross-border illegal and criminal activities such as illegal entry and exit, smuggling, drug trafficking, and resolutely prevent cross-border epidemic transmission.

Vladimir Kulishov, first deputy director of Russia's Federal Security Service and director of the Border Service of the Russian Federation, stated in his reply letter that Russia fully supports China's proposals for improving coordination, strengthening the notification of information, and carrying out joint management and control to ensure the safety and people's well-being of both countries and prevent cross-border epidemic transmission.

Hoang Xuan Chien, deputy defense minister and former commander of Border Guard Command of Vietnam, said that according to the consensus reached by both sides, Vietnam strengthened its forces to set up round-the-clock working groups and checkpoints in the trails and passages along the border areas. Vietnam will continue to strengthen coordination, effectively carry out patrols and law enforcement operations, and jointly respond to cross-border epidemic transmission.

Upholding the vision of a community with a shared future for humankind, NIA actively assists border management departments of neighboring countries in epidemic response, and takes the initiative to offer support with epidemic prevention supplies, on-duty safety counseling and training, and on-site instruction. So far, it has provided defense departments of neighboring countries with anti-pandemic and medical supplies worth more than CNY 3 million, including COVID-19 detection kits, protective suits, medical masks, surgical gloves and other medical supplies, as well as more than 1,100 copies of law enforcement and safety protection guidelines, and video materials on epidemic response.

Rajabali Rahmonali, first vice chairman of the State Committee of National Security of Tajikistan and commander of the Border Forces, expressed his gratitude for China's timely support and assistance during the most challenging stage of the outbreak in Tajikistan. It fully manifests China's responsibility as a major power in the world.

Other high-level officials from neighboring countries, namely, Nguyen Van Thai, deputy commander of Border Guard of four provinces in  northern Vietnam, Ji Chanthavongsa, director general of the Ministry of Public Security of Laos, U Sop Paing Myint, immigration director of Kachin State, Myanmar, and Harish Panta, head of the Department of Border Management of Nepal, all agreed that while fighting its own battle against the epidemic, China has taken the initiative to undertake international responsibilities, share experience in epidemic response, provide selfless assistance, and warm up the world with its heart-warming gesture, revealing the global significance of the vision of a community with a shared future for humankind. The selfless aid provided by China's immigration authority has boosted their confidence in epidemic response, and they will stand side by side with Chinese law enforcement officers to fight the epidemic.

Under the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council in Response to the COVID-19, NIA provides active support for the country's overall diplomatic endeavor. It has made proposals on immigration management for multilateral diplomatic events attended by Chinese national leaders including the G20 Special Summit on COVID-19, the Special 10+3 Summit on COVID-19 Response, and the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19.

Meanwhile, it has notified the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) of relevant work measures and results, participated in inter-departmental joint consultations on COVID-19 with counterparts from other countries, strengthened daily contact with embassies of neighboring countries, maintained communication with international organizations in China such as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and informed them about NIA's measures on epidemic response and resumption of work and production in a timely manner. In its external communication and coordination, NIA takes the initiative to practice Xi Jinping's diplomatic thoughts, strongly advocates multilateralism and international cooperation, plays an active role in increasing trust, dispelling doubts, deepening cooperation and serving the country's overall diplomatic endeavor.

Giuseppe Crocetti, Chief of Mission in China of IOM, published an article on IOM’s official WeChat account, highly praising Chinese government's efforts in integrating immigration needs into the national public health coping mechanism and setting an example for other countries, and calling on all countries to adopt inclusive policies, deepen mutual understanding, solidarity and cooperation, and curb the epidemic with a sense of responsibility.


Notice: The English version is only for reference. To learn more, please refer to the authoritative Chinese version.